Madlibs are great fun. They are reminiscent of a childhood where you choose any random, weird words that come to mind, fill in the blanks, and you have a quick, quirky story to read and share. This prompt is from Reader’s Digest. It’s a play on the original Mad Libs game, but instead of filling in the blanks, you write your own story.
1. Write a story or scene with the following guidelines:
2. Include the phrase “What is that?”
3. Use at least five of the words below
a word you use too much: Great
the name of a city you’d like to visit: Austin, TX
an unusual color: Chartreuse
a hobby: Writing
a physical quality a person might wish for: Smaller nose
an animal: Walrus
a famous author: F Scott Fitzgerald
a verb ending in -ing: Wading
a number: 10 (ten)
an adverb: Gently